Reiki Master and Teacher


Now's the time to take your Reiki journey to the ultimate level?

Learn how to power up your Reiki as much as 24x?

Be able to attune others to Reiki too??

In as little as 24 hours, International Reiki Master Rob Fellows can give you all you need to become a Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher ...

Take YOUR Reiki journey to the ultimate level

Introducing the Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher Training Mentorship with your Exclusive & Personal Distance Reiki Master Attunement

Hereā€™s the all-in-one solution for everyone already attuned to Reiki Practitioner (Level 2) to take their Reiki journey to the ULIMATE LEVEL and learn even more  new Reiki techniques and the skills to attune others to Reiki .... here's REIKI MASTER & TEACHER!

Whether you are just looking for the way to continue on your Reiki journey to the highest level for your own personal development and increased Reiki abilities, or you want to gain the knowledge and ability to attune other people to Reiki, this Reiki Master training is ideal for you.

As you well know by now, Reiki is a simple, gentle energy healing therapy that can help reduce all kinds of pain, let go of tension or anxiety, reduce feelings of stress and help to keep existing health conditions from flaring up ...

... and revitalize instead with vibrant energy, calm and wellbeing.

You are about to discover the easy, safe, natural approach to take YOUR Reiki skills to the highest level, to benefit yourself and everyone around you.

And you will also earn how to quickly and easily be attune other people to Reiki and, if you wish to run your own classes, with your TWO Reiki Master certificates to prove it...

Take YOUR Reiki journey to the ultimate level

My Journey with Reiki

                Joe, my inspiration to learn Reiki

Iā€™m Rob Fellows, International Reiki Master Teacher, and I help people all over the world to overcome health obstacles in their lives, and in the lives of their family or pets.

I show them how to benefit by receiving gentle healing from me or to easily learn how to do the healing themselves by enrolling on one of my Reiki Training and Qualification Mentorships.

The picture of me above is with Monty, but I must tell you about Joe (pictured below), because Joe was actually the reason I began to study Reiki in the first place, way back in 1999.

When Joe, my springer spaniel, was diagnosed with arthritis in his front paws I felt that I had to do something to help him.

He was such a faithful friend who loved to go for walks even though he was in so much pain and he often dragged his foot on the floor, making it bleed. It broke my heart to see him like that.

At the time I had a problem with my lower back and a friend suggested I tried some Reiki sessions.

I hadnā€™t heard of Reiki but a couple of weeks later I found myself lying face down fully clothed on a therapy bed with a Reiki practitioner gently resting her hands on the small of my back.

The pain eased and I felt SO relaxed that I didnā€™t want to get off the bed once the session was over.

However, when I eventually climbed down I soon noticed how I could move about more easily and the pain had subsided. After a couple more sessions I felt very much better.

 I was sure Reiki could help Joe too

This made me think .. as Reiki has helped me so much then I'm sure Reiki could help Joe too.

It didnā€™t take me long to book myself on a Level 1, or First Degree, Reiki training course. The course was very good but the focus was on treating people and not animals.

So I adapted my new learning, did more research and got on with helping my dog.

This now meant I was able ease Joeā€™s suffering whenever he needed me. Whilst nothing is able to cure arthritis, I was really pleased I was able to help Joe and give him regular Reiki to complement the medication prescribed by his vet.

Joe wasnā€™t with me every day and so about a month later I trained in Level 2 Reiki so that I could send distance Reiki to Joe literally everyday. [I will teach you how to send Reiki across any distance when you take this Level 2 training with me ].

That was back in 1999 when Joe was 13ā€¦. and we shared a further two years before he left me.

Joe was my catalyst, my reason to learn Reiki and I still miss him today.

By then Reiki had become a hugely important part of my life, and although I mainly gave Reiki to my family, my ā€˜newā€™ dog Monty and to friends, I found more and more people were asking me to help them or their pets with Reiki too.

To complete my Reiki journey I became a Reiki Master Teacher in January 2008.

As time passed I realised that I shouldnā€™t be keeping my skills to myself and that I should be sharing my learning with others to enable many more people to share the benefits of Reiki.

So, at the start of 2011 I first launched my Reiki training programs with a special interest in Reiki for all kinds of  Animals ... as well as my particular interest in helping people who suffer from Stress related difficulties, and for those suffering from ANY health condition that flares up whenever they are Stressed.


  You can join me now in the "Rob Fellows Reiki Master Club" as you take your own wonderful journey with Reiki to the very top and become a Reiki Master & Teacher - just like me


Take YOUR Reiki journey to the ultimate level

No matter where in the world you live, you and your loved ones can benefit when you decide to become a Reiki Master...

This training is available to anyone, anywhere in the world and means that YOU TOO can now benefit from moving up to Reiki Master at an affordable cost and is ideal for people who want to reach the pinnacle of their Reiki journey to help with healing for themselves, for their family and friends and any pets  ... and, if you wish, you will be able to attune other people and run your own Reiki classes too

For many people my distance training packages are a much preferred learning choice for a number of important reasons:

  • A quick and simple course without hours of study and no exams
  • No need to take time away from work or family
  • No travel or hotel expenses to incur to get to a training venue
  • Total privacy. No one needs to know that you have enrolled on the course
  • You arenā€™t obliged to ā€˜open upā€™ to people as you normally have to do on other 'live' courses. Not everyone likes to do this
  • Work through the training practice at a pace that suits you and your lifestyle
  • You donā€™t have to keep up with a group of other people.
  • You can easily work with me even if we live in different countries and it doesnā€™t matter at all that we havenā€™t met. Distance is absolutely no barrier
  • You will be able to give hands-on Reiki with your certificate to prove it
  • My Reiki Master Home Learning Training packages are affordable and provide fantastic value
  • You can still work with me even if you completed your Level 1 or Level 2 training with someone else .... you are just as welcome
AND you will be able to harness all of your new Reiki Master energies straight after receiving your Reiki Master attunement ...
Take YOUR Reiki journey to the ultimate level

What's inside the Reiki Master Training?

On this training you receive the additional attunement for Reiki Master, or Reiki Third Degree, and learn all about how to use the Reiki symbol, which is the very source of Reiki. You will 'Power' up your Reiki still further, by as much as 24x that of Level 1... and you'll learn how you too can attune others to Reiki


You have two options to choose from ..... Home Learning or Live Training!

Option One


This includes a special 1-2-1 "Ask me anything" 60 minutes zoom call

Option Two


Periodic Live ONE Day Training and Qualification Events in England

Option One


Option One provides ....


Detailed color Reiki Master Manual

Just as soon as you enrol you will be able to access your own personal PDF manual .... Reiki Master (Reiki third degree).

There are many color photographs teaching you all about the Reiki Master symbol, other powerful symbols and in detail guidance on attuning others to Reiki ... more than 100 pages in total.

The training is very easy to follow so you will quickly become confident as a Reiki Master.

The training will prove invaluable to you as your personal guide whilst you are learning and will be a useful reference for you in the future.

Whatā€™s in your manual?

You will find lots of information on:


  • A self-Reiki refresher .... because you should be conducting regular healing on yourself!
  • The Reiki Principles ... a reminder
  • Grounding meditation
  • The Attunement process
  • The ā€˜Healing Crisis'

Part One - Reiki Master

  • Reiki and Symbolism
  • Reiki Symbols
  • The Reiki Master Symbol - learn all about it
  • Non-traditional Master Symbol
  • 5 other Symbols you can use
  • Psychic Surgery

Three Bonus Modules

  1. The Reiki Grid
  2. Reiki Pyramid of Light
  3. The Antahkarana

Part Two - Reiki Master Teacher

  • The Attunement Ceremony
  • Using Hui-Yin and Violet Breath
  • Crown to Crown Attunements
  • Attunement Preparations
  • Gyoshi ho
  • Reiki Level 1 Attunement - Usui method
  • Reiki Level 2 Attunement - Usui method
  • Reiki Master Attunement - Usui method
  • Distance Reiki Attunements - step by step 
  • Direct Intention Attunements
  • Ethics and Live Course Guidance

More Bonus Material

  • 3 x Alternative Reiki Attunement methods

 Remote Attunement to Reiki Master Level 

personally delivered by International Reiki Master Rob Fellows

TWO Reiki Master Degree (Level 2) Certificates :

  • Your Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher Qualification

60-minute "Ask me Anything" 1-2-1 zoom call

  • Book yourself a private call with Rob to discuss ANY aspect of your Reiki training 

On the call [zoom or similar] you can literally ask me anything you wish about the training material content, or anything you are unsure about concerning the Reiki techniques, and/or if you need any guidance. and support with perhaps a specific person or animal you are assisting with Reiki.

As the title says, this call is 'Ask me Anything', so it doesn't even have to be directly about Reiki, so long as there's some link to the training materials.

Ha, I suppose you could even ask me about the weather, if you wish ... but please don't ask me about politics!! ;-)

You don't even have to plan the call at the outset .... you'll have a full 6-months to book your call ... so you can choose when it's right for YOU to have the call, and I'll be there to help and guide you.

My ultimate goal is your success as a Reiki Master Teacher and I want you to have full confidence in your knowledge and understanding.

Ongoing support from Rob via email


Take YOUR Reiki journey to the ultimate level

Option Two


Option Two provides ...

If you prefer to attend a live training day in England then this is the option for you

One day training course in Shropshire, England

  • Course timings 10am to approx. 4.30pm
  • Small groups of no more than 6 to ensure plenty of attention
  • Printed copy of the extensive color manual
  • Live Reiki Master Attunement
  • TWO printed Reiki Master Certificates
  • Plenty of shared discussion
  • On-going Email support from Rob when needed



For details of the next Live Reiki Master Training Event in Shropshire, England go to this page:

Live Reiki Training


You'll receive these TWO certificates

Whether you choose the Reiki Master Home Learning Package or attend the Live Training Day you will receive BOTH of these specially designed certificates, signed by International Reiki Master Teacher, Rob Fellows.

These are your Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher QUALIFICATION Certification.

They are something you can be proud of achieving and you will want to display on the wall! 

You too can become a member of the Rob Fellows Reiki Master Club and you'll receive your very own commemorative mug

This Training is Accredited by the International Guild of Complementary Therapists

Is it now YOUR turn to become a Reiki Master & Teacher?

Do you want to remain at Level 2 when here is your opportunity to power up your Reiki even further and take your Reiki journey to the top of the mountain, to the ultimate level, and become a member of my elite Rob Fellows Reiki Master Club? 

Thankfully, you donā€™t have to, because my Reiki Master Training, Attunement, & Certification Package could well be just what you need?

As you already know, while Reiki can be used alongside all prescribed medical treatments, you should, of course, seek a professional medical diagnosis if you have any health concerns.

Reiki can then work alongside any prescribed treatments and even speed up recovery from surgery.

Imagine having the skills to power up your Reiki by as much as 24x AND literally be able to attune other people to Reiki. How good would that feel for you .... and them?

You can simply enhance your gift of healing without ever leaving the comfort or convenience of your home.

Right now, my Reiki Master Home Learning Training, Attunement, & Certification Package can be yours for just $450 USD or Ā£350 GBP - great value when you consider the enormous potential benefits for you and your family.

Thatā€™s just $1.23 or 96p a day over the next year - and what can you even buy for that these days? Not very much?!

Are the new skills you can gain to enhance the wellbeing of you and your family worth $1.23 or 96p a day?

Go ahead. PROVE to yourself you can complete YOUR Reiki journey - and become a Reiki Master - with my Home Learning or Live Reiki Master & Reiki Master Teacher Training

What emotions will you have if you have have the title Reiki Master and have the ability to attune other people to Reiki?    I bet youā€™ll feel super empowered.

I want to be very clear: as you already know, no-one can promise you that Reiki will cure any illness or health condition. But itā€™s a complementary therapy that you do already know activates natural healing in people or animals and restoring physical and emotional well-being, and being a Reiki Master will greatly enhance your skills still further to help yourself and others too. 

If you have the slightest bit of doubt or hesitation that Reiki Master training is for you, let me put it to rest, right now.

Enrol on my Reiki Master Training, Attunement & Certification Package and put it to the test. Try the simple training, get your Master attunement from me, and then experience the wonderful way you will have all the extra new powerful techniques in your Reiki 'tool box."

Like my other students, you should experience the way Reiki helps your loved ones too as well as yourself.

I want you to be totally satisfied so, Iā€™m offering you this 60-day money back guarantee.

Should you change your mind before your attunements just contact me for a full refund.

Even after your attunements you are still covered by my guarantee for 60 days from when you enrolled.

As you will appreciate you will need to practice in order to develop and strengthen your Reiki energy and skills.

So, all I ask is that you follow the guidance in the training and practice giving Reiki, using the Reiki symbols I'll teach you, on a regular basis during the guarantee period.

If, despite your regular practice, you still donā€™t feel that your healing know-how has improved, then contact me for a refund.

Two Learning Options to Choose From

Home Learning available anywhere OR Live One Day Training In Shropshire, England

Reiki Master Home Learning Training & Qualification

$450 or Ā£350

Top features

  • 60 minute private zoom call with Rob
  • Remote Reiki Master attunement from Rob to take you to the TOP of your Reiki journey
  • Detailed PDF manual with color photographs showing you how to use the Master and other symbols
  • Bonus modules and additional techniques you can use with your Reiki
  • Full step-by-step training on how you attune others to Reiki at all three levels 
  • TWO Reiki Master Certificates in your name confirming you are a Reiki Master & Teacher
  • Course accredited by the International Guild of Complementary Therapists (IGCT)
  • Ongoing support when needed via email

Live One Day Reiki Master Training Day in England


Top features

  • Live training day in Shropshire with Rob - small groups
  • In person Reiki Master attunement from Rob to take you to the TOP of your Reiki journey
  • Detailed printed manual with color photographs showing you how to use the Master and other symbols
  • Bonus modules and additional techniques you can use with your Reiki
  • Full step-by-step training on how you attune others to Reiki at all three levels 
  • TWO Reiki Master Certificates in your name confirming you are a Reiki Master & Teacher
  • Course accredited by the International Guild of Complementary Therapists (IGCT)
  • Ongoing support when needed via email

P.S. I'm really looking forward to taking you to the ultimate level of YOUR Reiki journey and welcoming you into the "Rob Fellows Reiki Master Club"

Already Reiki Level 1 or above and want to work with animals?

Several people contact me who are already attuned to Reiki and know how beneficial it can be.

However, maybe like them, your training focused on working with people and not animals ... and you'd like to know how to work with animals.

I have your solution

Animal Reiki Video Teaching Package 

You'll get:

  • Animal Reiki Manual  .. This 46-page full color PDF manual contains separate sections on how to offer Reiki to dogs, cats, horses and small furries like rabbits.

There are many photographs showing you where to place your hands for the most effective benefit ... and information about Animal Chakras too.

  • Animal Body Language and Behaviour Guide- this additional 24-page PDF guide shows you what dogs, cats and horses are telling you with their body positions and behaviours ... you really need to know before you work with ANY animals!
  • 3 hours 23 minutes of invaluable video guidanceI talk you through Reiki for various animals and their tell-tale body language and behaviour ( I can't stress how important it is you know this!)
  • a FREE certificate confirming you've had guidance on giving Reiki to a variety of Animals

Please note: this is ONLY for people already attuned to at least Reiki Level 1 or above and does not include any Reiki attunements

I will need to see any of your Reiki Qualification certificates before I'll be able to issue you with my Animal certificate 

More details and to enrol
Take YOUR Reiki journey to the ultimate level

 This Training is Accredited by the International Guild of Complementary Therapists