What's included on all Live Reiki Training Courses with International Reiki Master Rob Fellows?

All Training Courses Accredited by the
International Guild of Complementary Therapists
Every Live Certified Reiki Training Course includes these wonderful benefits:
- A printed colour manual relevant to the course you have booked on
- Personal hands-on Reiki Attunements from Rob
- Printed certificate(s) confirming your Reiki Qualification at the appropriate level
- Group synergy with like-minded people
- Scope to ask LOADS of questions
- An informal day with lots of wonderful learnings AND some great fun too!
- Total confidence and credibility as Rob's training is accredited by the International Guild of Complementary Therapists
- Opportunity to complete all your Reiki journey with training and qualifications in Reiki Levels 1, 2 and Reiki Master
- The gift of healing which lasts you a lifetime

"Covid Safe"
In June 2020 Rob Fellows completed the certificated course
Covid-19 Awareness for Therapists
Live Level 1 Reiki Training Courses - What's available?
** I'm sorry that NO live Level 1 DATES are being planned FOR 2025 **
However, my Home Learning Packages are a great option instead. Full details can be found in my store

Reiki for Dogs - Reiki for Dog Groomers -
Reiki for Veterinary Professionals
No matter whether you are a dog owner or a dog groomer or you work in a Veterinary Practice you are most welcome to join us on these Live One Day Training and Qualification Events as the combined training days follow the same course content ... but with slightly differing manuals and certification.
You will follow the curriculum for the generic Reiki Level 1 Qualification (people and self Reiki) with the added guidance and training on offering beneficial Reiki to Dogs and to Dogs in a Groom Salon.
Those of you working in a Vet Practice will receive a manual showing you how Reiki can be utilized with a variety of animals in your Veterinary Practice.
During the day you will practice both giving and receiving Reiki with a fellow student, and will have the opportunity to also practice your new skills on a dog. You are welcome to bring ONE well-behaved dog if you wish ... but please note the 'dog' part is only at the end of the day.
For all attendees this training represents the first part of your journey to become a Reiki Practitioner. You will be able to achieve this status by attending a further training day at another time i.e. Reiki Level 2 - The Practitioner Level.
See below for the forthcoming course dates and locations:

You will receive these Qualification Certificates

Your Reiki Level 1 Qualification
Everyone attending the course receives this certificate

Reiki for Dogs Certification
All Reiki for Dogs attendees receive this second certificate

Reiki for Dog Groomers Certification
All Dog Groomer attendees receive this second certificate

Reiki for Veterinary Professionals
All Veterinary attendees receive this second certificate

Reiki for Stress
If you, or a loved one is suffering from stress, or the side affects that stress can cause, (and there are very many), then this One-Day Training and Qualification Event is ideal for you.
You will learn how to give and receive calming, relaxing Reiki, the easy to learn and simple to do hands-on healing therapy, which is known to help lower stress.
During the day you will practice giving yourself Reiki and have the opportunity to share your Reiki skills with a fellow student.
Your printed colour manual is also packed with other tips and guidance to help you or your loved one cope with stress.
This course is also ideal for anyone that has any form of health condition that tends to 'flare up' whenever they feel anxious or stressed .... and let's face it the Covid Pandemic has made us all extremely anxious.
Therefore, keeping stress at bay could be just as important as any medication you are taking for your condition.
So, no matter the nature of your health condition you will find that learning Reiki will be of great benefit, and remember that once you've attended my course and I've carried out your 'attunement', you will have the gift of healing that will last you a lifetime.
Venue: In many ways the course content is generic and so you will be welcome to attend any of the above Level 1 courses. I just need to know that you are interested in the Stress version of my manual and certifications.
Email Rob for more information or if you have any questions:

You will receive these Qualification Certificates

Your Reiki Level 1 Qualification
Everyone attending the course receives this certificate

Reiki for Stress Certification
Everyone also receives this second certificate
Live Level 2 Reiki Training Courses - The Reiki Practitioner Level

Reiki Level 2 - the Reiki Practitioner Level
Here is your opportunity to build on your existing Reiki skills by moving up to the next level ... i.e. Reiki Level 2 or also known as Reiki Second Degree.
Once you have Reiki Level 2 you may call yourself a Reiki Practitioner and charge a fee for giving Reiki to others and/or animals.
This is a generic course not involving any animals ... but all the new Reiki skills you will learn can be used to benefit all kinds of animals. I hope that makes sense!!
The fabulous thing about Reiki Level 2 is that your Reiki powers will literally be boosted up by as much as 10 times. How good is that?
You will learn and I will attune you to use 3 powerful Reiki signs with your Reiki healing work.
They are:
- The Power Symbol: Use this to power up your Reiki
- The Emotional Symbol: You can use to help people with any emotional issues. In fact I reckon that many people's (or animals) physical conditions could be as a result of unresolved emotional issues.
- The Distance Symbol: By using this symbol you will be able to literally send Reiki to anyone, or anything across ANY distance ... to another town or another country. Time and distance is no barrier with distance Reiki.
I will show you many Reiki healing techniques where you utilise the symbols ... this includes clearing a room of negative energies, emotional balancing, creating a vortex with your food and drink and many more techniques.
It's no wonder that most people who complete Level 1 Reiki with me go on to complete Level 2. So long as you've been practising with Level 1 Reiki then there's no reason you can't move on to Level 2 after only a few weeks.
You can even do Level 2 with me if you completed your Level 1 training with someone else. I don't mind that.
So, if you want to gain all of these amazing extra skills and be able to call yourself a REIKI PRACTITIONER do book yourself a place on one of the following Level 2 days.

** Level 2 DATE FOR 2025 **
Bridgnorth, Shropshire - Sunday 1st June
Date: Sunday - date to be confirmed Level 2 Max 15 places
Price: £225 (£25 discount for members of BIGA, ICMG, Groomers Spotlight or Canine Massage Guild)
Venue: Tasley Village Hall, Church Lane, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4NJ
10am - approx. 3.30pm
To Book: Contact Rob [email protected] if you qualify for the discounted price or use the enrollment button
Book your Level 2 place hereYou will receive your
Reiki Practitioner Level 2 Qualification Certificate

Reiki Level 2 Qualification
Everyone completing the course receives this qualification Certificate

Tracy is now a Reiki Master 🙏
Live Reiki Master Training Course

Reiki Master & Reiki Master Teacher
Once you've completed your Levels 1 and 2 Reiki Training, there is just one last level to go on your Reiki journey ... and that is to become a Reiki Master, just like me.
I'm proud to offer you this opportunity to take your Reiki to the ultimate stage, so do join me on the course.
You will learn and be attuned to the Reiki Master Symbol, powering up your Reiki still further, by as much as 24 times stronger than the Level 1. Totally Amazing!
I'll also teach you other special and powerful symbols to expand your Reiki skills even more.
Not only that, but I will show you in detail how you can also attune other people in order to release their Reiki, just as I have done for you, if this is something you'd like to do. Even if you aren't planning on doing this at this stage, you will have the knowledge and skills ready for when you are.
Therefore, if you want to take your training to the top of the Reiki mountain, then make sure you join me on the next course.
As this is SO special, I purposely keep the numbers very limited, giving you the very best of my attention.
Venue: Bridgnorth, Shropshire Tasley Village Hall, Church Lane, Tasley, Bridgnorth, WV16 4NJ
Only small numbers per course, so you must book your place ASAP.
Start at 10am and finish around 4.00pm
Training Day: SUNDAY 13 October 2024
Price: £395 (Price held from last year)
Use the gold button below to make the full payment of £395 or, if you prefer, you can pay with 4 x £100 monthly payments by clicking on this link => Instalments
You too can join the exclusive Rob Fellows Reiki Master Club

Nikki says: " I've done Levels 1 and 2 with Rob, I wouldn't go anywhere else, he is my Reiki Master and I recommend him to anyone. The way he trains is brilliant, down to earth and fun. The manual is massive and packed with information that's really easy to follow".
Claire says: "With this additional attunement I've got I feel my healing will go from strength to strength. Thank you for an amazing day !!"
Angela says: "Thank you for a lovely day on Friday, you both welcomed us into your lovely home. I felt relaxed and comfortable once again with your training .... I am so glad we have taken the Reiki journey together ... I feel different already, so relaxed ... I hope more people can join us on the Reiki journey"
You will receive not just one, but both of these Reiki Master Qualification Certificates

Reiki Master
This confirms you are now qualified as a Reiki Master

Reiki Master Teacher
You are also qualified to attune others to Reiki as a Reiki Master Teacher

Reiki Master Club
Commemorative Mug
You will also receive your very own Reiki Master Club mug to toast your success
Course Do You Host a Podcast or Run Facebook Live's?
Would you Like Me on Your Show?
Are You on the Lookout For More Guest Speakers on Your Podcast or Facebook Live Events? If So, I'm Available For Bookings
I'm always happy to appear on Podcasts or Facebook Live shows, or anything similar, and will be able to share with your listeners or viewers how Reiki could help benefit them and/or their loved ones and pets.
My lively chats will be suitable to a wide variety of animal health and wellness-related topics, not least Dog, Dog Groomer, Cat, Horse, Veterinary and really any animals ... as Reiki can help them all.
Also, as Reiki has the scope to help lessen the side affects of any health-related problem or condition then, no matter what health condition your Podcast or Facebook Live addresses do consider inviting me on. It doesn't matter if your subject matter is general health and wellness or a more specialist health condition I'll be only too happy to share how Reiki can help.
There is no charge and I'll even be able to offer an exclusive and unique discount coupon off my specialist Reiki Home Learning Packages, especially for your listeners and viewers.
Please complete the form below and we can make the arrangements
Already Reiki Level 1 or above and want to work with animals?
Several people contact me who are already attuned to Reiki and know how beneficial it can be.
However, maybe like them, your training focused on working with people and not animals ... and you'd like to know how to work with animals.
I have your solution
Animal Reiki Video Teaching Package
You'll get:
- Animal Reiki Manual .. This 46-page full color PDF manual contains separate sections on how to offer Reiki to dogs, cats, horses and small furries like rabbits.
There are many photographs showing you where to place your hands for the most effective benefit ... and information about Animal Chakras too.
- Animal Body Language and Behaviour Guide- this additional 24-page PDF guide shows you what dogs, cats and horses are telling you with their body positions and behaviours ... you really need to know before you work with ANY animals!
- 3 hours 23 minutes of invaluable video guidance- I talk you through Reiki for various animals and their tell-tale body language and behaviour ( I can't stress how important it is you know this!)
- a FREE certificate confirming you've had guidance on giving Reiki to a variety of Animals
Please note: this is ONLY for people already attuned to at least Reiki Level 1 or above and does not include any Reiki attunements
I will need to see any of your Reiki Qualification certificates before I'll be able to issue you with my Animal certificate
More details and to enrol