World Animal Reiki Day

Calling on everyone who wants to help animals.
5 February is World Animal Reiki Day
On this day I call upon all Reiki Practitioners around the world to join together in focussing their healing energies and focus on animals.
If you own your own pets or animals take time out to offer them some wonderful calming Reiki.
Remember also those animals who are suffering and in need.
Focus on those animals living in danger from nature and world events and at the cruel hands of mankind.
Look into the skies and offer up some Reiki to the birds flying around us.
Look into any fields or woodland around you and imagine all the animals that you can't see. Offer them Reiki too.
Picture the oceans and rivers and focus Reiki healing on those creatures living by and under the water.
They all deserve some Reiki healing energy from us.
Consider those animals who are newly born, hopefully with a safe and enjoyable life ahead, albeit sometimes cut very short.
Be aware of all of those animals in their twilight time and close to passing over 'the rainbow bridge'. Send them healing to help them on their journey.
Use the full extent of your vivid imagination to help all animals, and on this day especially have them in your minds eye and in your Reiki intentions.
We can't live or function without animals and the balance they bring to our eco-systems. They absolutely have a right to receive loving healing and it is our duty as Reiki Practitioners to share our healing energies with them.
We have the power and the resources to help even the tiniest of creatures.
Thank you to all Reiki Practitioners for focussing your healing energies today, and everyday on the animals around us.
My Reiki blessings to you all.
Do you feel drawn to help animals with healing Reiki but not sure how?
Today, is also a time time for our reflection.
If you aren't yet able to work with Reiki energies to help animals but feel drawn to want to help your own pets and all animals too, then this is easily possible.
Learning Reiki for Animals
Everyone has the in-build ability to work with gentle Reiki energies. Yes, everyone.
All you need to do is find yourself a Reiki Master Teacher who will what is called 'attune' you Reiki. This little 'process' can be carried out either in person or remotely ... meaning that you have no need to travel or attend long training courses.
Incredibly, just as soon as you have been attuned you will be able to start offering Reiki to a variety of animals straight away.
Not all Reiki Master Teachers will train and guide you to work with animals though, so this is something you will need to check out first.
Reiki Animal Healer Training
I'm delighted to say that I offer a very quick and simple Reiki training and qualification, which will meet all of your needs if you feel drawn to want to help all sorts of animals, both large and small, and both pets, working animals and even wild animals.
On this training you will receive.
- Remote Reiki attunements which triggers your ability to be a 'Reiki giver'
- A recognised Reiki Level 1 Qualification
- Two Reiki Certificates - 1 is your Reiki Qualification 2 showing how you've received guidance on offering Reiki to a variety of animals
- A comprehensive color manual with detailed sections and lots of photographs to follow on: Reiki for people, self-Reiki, Reiki for Dogs, Reiki for Cats, Reiki for Horses, Reiki for small furries and wild animals, Chakras and much much more ...
- Almost 8 hours of Video teaching too, if you choose this package
- Lifetime gift of healing
- 60 day money back guarantee
If you want to work with animals in a holistic, natural and harmless way this is absolutely ideal for you.
Maybe you already have Reiki training but want to work with animals and don't know how?
There's absolutely no reason why you should miss out on World Animal Reiki Day either as I have an affordable training just for you here too.
My Reiki for Animals training packages are designed just with you in mind.
I offer training and guidance on offering Reiki to dogs, cats, horses, small furries and wild animals too.
You will receive my color manual and video training too if you choose this package, and there's a Reiki Animal certificate available too.
Full details at:
Together, today and everyday, we can make a real difference for the Animal Kingdom